Building Construction
Program Description
Construction is about pride and craftsmanship. Whether building a home, an office, or a business, the construction industry provides a great hands -on career choice essential in developing our community, state. and nation! In this program. students learn all aspects of the construction industry including blueprint reading, safety procedures, carpentry/framing. masonry, roofing, and siding. Students obtain the skills, technical knowledge, and work habits necessary to succeed in the construction industry. Throughout this two -year program, students participate in a variety of building projects including learning how to construct a home and other careers such as electrical and masonry. Professional Industry-related certifications and the opportunity to join and compete in SkillsUSA, a national student organization, build students’ skills and confidence. College credit may be earned at Delta College.
Students Can Earn:
4.0 cr. Building Construction
Special Program Features
Apprenticeship opportunities with the Carpenters Local 706
Students may participate in SkillsUSA, a national organization that provides opportunities to develop teamwork, personal leadership, and career skills valued by employers.
12th-grade students will complete and present senior projects.
Unpaid and paid work experience may be available.