Thompson Middle School's Amazing Kid is Navia Garcia, today! #spsdamazingkid #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesom
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
tms amazing kid
Stone Elementary has ANOTHER DIFFERENCE MAKER!! #spsdproud #spsddifferencemaker #saginawesome
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Saginaw High has the First Amazing Kid of 2024! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
amazing kid
It's time for Play Group! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
play group schedule
SPSD's is Proud to Announce Today's Difference Maker! #spsdproud #spsddifferencemaker #saginawesome
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Let's give a Warm SPSD Welcome to our new Second Shift Custodial Supervisor! We are excited to have Gerald Melton join our team!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
new supervisor
Three Cheers for Our First Difference Maker of 2024! #spsddifferencemaker #spsdproud #saginawesome
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Back to School Tomorrow!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday card
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art
Throughout Winter Break, we will be posting submissions for the Superintendent's Holiday Card!
about 1 year ago, Leisa Schirmer
holiday art