Congratulations to SPSD's Teach for America Fellows!
#spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

This afternoon (10/5) at 2:20 p.m., FEMA (and the FCC) will conduct a national test of the Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS). This alert will cause cell phones to receive a National Alert (with a loud tone) during this time. The Alert will still come through even if a person's cell phone is set to silent. Because the test is taking place at approximately 2:20 p.m. (during the school day), I wanted you to be aware. The test will be transmitted for 30 minutes, but you will only receive the alert once. If, for some reason, the test does not occur today(as scheduled), the backup testing date is October 11th. For more information, you can read the FEMA article below.

#spsdamazingkid #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud # saginawesome




Don't be left out!
#spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome #spsdproud

Welcome to the SPSD Family, Mr. Crespo!
#spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome

Let's Take a Look at Handley Elementary's Transdisciplinary Teaching Team! This team is part of the EXPANDED PROGRAMMING! #OneCampus #ibworldschool #spsdgtschools #HandleyStrong #k12gtcampus #spsdinspiresgreatness #keepingkidsfirst #spsdproud #saginawesome

Let's Take a Look at Handley Elementary's Transdisciplinary Teaching Team! This team is part of the EXPANDED PROGRAMMING! #OneCampus #ibworldschool #spsdgtschools #HandleyStrong #k12gtcampus #spsdinspiresgreatness #keepingkidsfirst #spsdproud #saginawesome

Congratulations, Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy for being named in the US News & World Report!
#OneCampus #ibworldschool #spsdgtschools #k12gtcampus #spsdinspiresgreatness #keepingkidsfirst #spsdproud #saginawesome

Let's Take a Look at Handley Elementary's Transdisciplinary Teaching Team! This team is part of the EXPANDED PROGRAMMING! #OneCampus #ibworldschool #spsdgtschools #HandleyStrong #k12gtcampus #spsdinspiresgreatness #keepingkidsfirst #spsdproud #saginawesome

Let's Take a Look at Handley Elementary's Transdisciplinary Teaching Team! This team is part of the EXPANDED PROGRAMMING! #OneCampus #ibworldschool #spsdgtschools #HandleyStrong #k12gtcampus #spsdinspiresgreatness #keepingkidsfirst #spsdproud #saginawesome

Welcome to the SPSD Family!
#spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

Let's Take a Look at Handley Elementary's Transdisciplinary Teaching Team! This team is part of the EXPANDED PROGRAMMING! #OneCampus #ibworldschool #spsdgtschools #HandleyStrong #k12gtcampus #spsdinspiresgreatness #keepingkidsfirst #spsdproud #saginawesome

SPSD & Merrill Park Elementary School is proud to introduce the new principal, Mrs. Marcella Mosqueda! Welcome to the SPSD Family!
#spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome

SPSD is so EXCITED to see our Kids! Tag SPSD in your Back to School Pictures!
@Saginaw Public School
#spsdinspiresgreatness #keepingkidsfirst #spsdproud #saginawesome

We all know who the powerhouses are in each building. Our SPSD secretaries are amazing and everything thing you do is appreciated.
#spsddifferencemaker #spsdproud #saginawesome

SPSD & Thompson Middle School Welcomes Mr. Brandon Brieva!
#spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawawesome

Welcome, Mr. Brieva!
#spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #TMSpride #saginawesome