Deonte is Rouse's #spsdamazingkid today! #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome

State Representative Amos O'Neal dropped in at Chester Miller and made the rounds reading with the Mustangs! Thank you, Representative O'Neal for #keepingkidsfirst! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

Dr. Foley was spotted in Bulldog Country today! He read to the first graders and left them with a book to take home! Thank you, Dr. Foley for always #keepingkidsfirst!
#spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

Mrs. Gonzales' room at Henry Doerr Early Childhood Center has had so many community readers this month! Today they welcomed, Ms. Ruth Ann Knapp, SPSD Board Treasurer! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

Check out today's #spsddifferencemaker! #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome

Today's #spsdamazingkid is a PreK student from Rouse! #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome

Henry Doerr's Birth-Five Program Welcomed Local Author (and Former B-5 Family) Mrs. Lavenia Price, who signed books for all of the children at Playgroup! Check out "Browwy & Me" about a little girl and her big brother! For more information, please visit: www.LaveniaPrice.com

Congratulations to SPSD's Challenge of the Heart! Thank you to our sponsors!
#spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

#spsddifferencemaker #spsdproud #saginawesome

SPSD loves our special reading visits this month! Thompson Principal Mrs. Dalton, MTSS Specialist Mrs. Kolobaric, and School Counselor Mrs. Goodrow spent some time today reading at Chester Miller!

SPSD's Superintendent, Dr. Roberts Visited Mrs. Gonzales' class this morning at Henry Doerr Early Childhood Center! We aren't sure if he or the students had more fun! Thank you, Dr. Roberts for always #keepingkidsfirst! #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome

Elena is an #spsdamazingkid!
#spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

Don't Miss Application Week!

Thank you, Officer Bady, Officer Engleheart and K9 Officer Aries from the Saginaw Police Department for Reading with our Stone Stingers today!

Attention Parents!

Recently, Saginaw's Academy of Excellence (SPSD/Delta College's Dual Enrolled Students from Saginaw High, Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy and Arthur Hill) went on a field trip to Jackson State University in Mississippi. They had the opportunity to visit the campus and the Mississippi Civil Rights Museum. They cam back inspired, enriched and with an experience they'll never forget! Thank you, Saginaw Public School's Foundation for making this journey possible! #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome

Rouse's #spsdamazingkid today is Gage! #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome

If you missed your school's DISCOVER THOMPSON event, here's your chance! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

Mrs Dalton had a fantastic weekend with Mrs Kolobaric at the MAMSE conference. Mrs Kolobaric presented and highlighted how Thompson helps students understand their data and plan for improvement. Great job today Mrs. Kolobaric! You Roar! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome

PRIDE in Saginaw presented Handley Elementary & First Student with Positive Impact Awards for grateful recognition of their contribution to the betterment of the Saginaw Community. Congratulations and THANK YOU for #keepingkidsfirst!
#saginawesome #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud