Congratulations, Early Childhood Special Education Transition Classroom Teacher, Michelle Hite for being honored this morning by the Kiwanis Club of Saginaw as 2024 TEACHER OF THE YEAR! #spsdcommunitypartnersrock #spsdproud #saginawesome
10 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
kiwanis club teacher of the year, michelle hite
Great Job, Phoenix! #suhs #phoenixrising #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome Last night, the Saginaw United Girls Tennis Team celebrated graduating seniors, Sharmitha Bandla, Alexandre Morrison, and Abbie Wong (Team Captain) at their final home match of the season. The team hosted Flint Carman Ainsworth, where they split the matches 4-4. The following players won their matches last night: 1 singles- Abbie Wong (SASA) 2 singles- Alexandre Morrison (SASA) 4 singles- Alamae Mepham (SHS) 1 doubles- Xen Medina- Austin and Suhana Maniar (SASA)
10 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
saginaw  united tennis
The #spsdamazingkid is from Rouse today! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
10 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Glückwunsch (Congratulations) to these Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy Students who have been selected for the Germany For You Scholarship through Youth for Understanding! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
10 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Students Selected to go to Germany
Congratulations, Addison (Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy) for being a finalist in the National Merit Scholarship! The mission of National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) is to recognize and honor the academically talented students of the United States. NMSC accomplishes its mission by conducting nationwide academic scholarship programs. The enduring goals of NMSC's scholarship programs are: To promote a wider and deeper respect for learning in general and for exceptionally talented individuals in particular To shine a spotlight on brilliant students and encourage the pursuit of academic excellence at all levels of education To stimulate increased support from individuals and organizations that wish to sponsor scholarships for outstanding scholastic talent
10 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
national merit scholarship finalist
Let's meet the #spsddifferencemaker for today! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
10 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Thompson Middle School staff and students would like to celebrate our AWESOME Principal Mrs. Dalton! She is 100% a TMS Tiger in spirit and pride. Thank you Mrs. Dalton for all you do. We APPRECIATE you!🐯💙🧡🫶 #thankaprincipal
10 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
principal appreciation
Thompson Middle School ShowsUp in Honolulu Blue! Go Lions! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Thompson Tigers loving the Detriot lions
Honolulu Blue
Honolulu Blue
Honolulu Blue
Honolulu Blue
Honolulu Blue
Honolulu Blue
Honolulu Blue
Honolulu Blue
Honolulu Blue
Ce'Miya is our #spsdamazingkid today! Keep up the great work!! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Mrs. Metiva is our #spsddifferencemaker: Adminstrative Assistant Edition Today! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Congratulations, Michael Hight: SVL Teacher of the Year! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
SVL Honors
Congratulations, Barron Abby: SVL Scholar Athlete of the Year! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
SVL Honors
Congratulations, Shafairri'ya Long: SVL Scholar Athlete of the Year! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
SVL Honors
Congratulations, Anupama Ojha : SVL Teacher of the Year! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
SVL Honors
Congratulations, Markwe Heard: SVL Scholar Athlete of the Year! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
SVL Honors
Congratulations, Raegan Byrd: SVL Scholar Athlete of the Year! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
SVL Honors
HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO ATTEND A TOP RANKED SCHOOL IN MICHIGAN? NOW IS THE TIME TO APPLY! Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy was recently ranked 5th Best High School in Michigan, by U.S. News & World Report. Rankings are based on weighted factors that include: College Readiness, College Curriculum breath, state assessment proficiency, state assessment performance, underserved student performance and graduation rate. SASA made HUGE improvements for 2024 to rank 5th from 18th in 2023. Based on this year's rankings, SASA is NUMBER 1 in the Great Lake Bay Region!
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Our #spsddifferencemaker is from the Loomis Ohana today! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
The 35th Annual Saginaw County Student Art Exhibit is currently at Fashion Square Mall. There are so many beautiful pieces! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
art show
Let's Hear it for the Lumberjack Administrative Assistants! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker