JOIN THE RISE #phoenixrising #jointherise #suhs #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
enroll today
Kicking the week off with an #spsdamazingkid from Arthur Hill! WAY TO GO, TERRY! #spsdinspiresgreatness #spsdproud #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Congratulations to Our SPSD Family who Won the Wellness Challenge from these buildings: Administration, SASA, Loomis, Stone, Merrill Park, Arthur Hill, Herig #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
wellness winners
Let's see who the #spsdamazingkid is today! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Ms. Pashion (Pat) Hall is our #spsddifferencemaker today! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Rouse's PreK Student, Jabari, is next up for our #spsdamazingkid! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
IT IS TIME!! If you have a Little at home that is going to be four before December 1st, it's time to register for PreK!! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Handley's Administrative Assistant is our #spsddifferencemaker today! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Saginaw Public Schools is pleased to announce that Julian Taylor has been selected as the Head Varsity Basketball Coach for Saginaw United High School beginning the 2024-2025 academic school year. Coach Taylor currently works as a Behavior Interventionist at Saginaw High School. He has served as a basketball coach for Saginaw Public Schools for 17 years with 13 years of his experience serving as the head varsity basketball coach at Saginaw High School. Coach Taylor has a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice, extensive training and experience as a coach, and was named coach of year by the Saginaw Valley League and the Associated Press. Let’s congratulate Coach Taylor on his new assignment. #spsdproud #spsdinspiregreatness #saginawesome #phoenixrising #jointherise
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
If you haven't registered, let's do it! #jointherise #phoenixrising #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Today's #spsdamazingkid Hails from Arthur Hill! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Mrs. Tinsley, #spsddifferencemaker starts off our day today! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Congratulations to Saginaw Arts & Sciences Academy's Ricardo Pastor and Jasmeher Singh attended the awards ceremony at Oakland University Model United Nations Conference. Ricardo won Best Delegate for representing Denmark in DISEC ( Disarmament and International Security Committee)! Jasmeher won an Excellence Award for representing Ukraine in UNEP ( United Nations Environment Programme)!
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
model un
The #spsdamazingkid is from Rouse today! Great Job, Veronica! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Handley's New Kindergarten Teacher is already a #spsddifferencemaker?? Tell us more! #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
difference maker
Announcing the New Principal of Saginaw Middle School!
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Saginaw Public Schools is excited to announce registration is open for Saginaw United High School! Sign up today! #jointherise #phoenixrising #spsdproud #spsdinspiresgreatness #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Join the Rise! Fill Out the Form to Let Us Know!
Arthur Hill High School's Amazing Kid today is Serenity Eiland!! Let's find out why!! #spsdamazingkids #spsdproud #saginawesome
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Merrill Park's 5th graders in Mrs. Carpenter's class safely observe the eclipse in style!
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer
Please join us for the annual Diversity Appreciation Day! Saturday, April 27th
11 months ago, Leisa Schirmer